Lord, You are always patient with me
and do great things for me.
Teach me to be more patient in my life
and grateful for all that has been given to me.
December 8, 2019
December 7, 2019
Who can worthily be present at this Sacrifice,
unless You, O God, makes him worthy?
I know, O Lord, that I am unworthy to approach so great a Mystery,
by reason of my numberless sins and negligences;
but I know, and truly with my own heart do I believe,
and with my mouth confess,
that You can make me worthy.
By Your Almighty power I beseech You, O my God,
to grant that I, a sinner,
may assist at this Sacrifice with fear and trembling,
with purity of heart and plenteous tears,
with spiritual gladness and heavenly joy.
May my mind feel the sweetness of Your most blessed Presence,
and the love of Your holy Angels,
keeping watch around me.
December 6, 2019
Heavenly Father, God of joy and cheer,
we thank you for Your servant, Nicholas.
In loving the poor, he showed us Your kindness;
in caring for Your children, he revealed Your love.
Make us merciful and thoughtful
without need of reward
so that we, too, may be good followers of Jesus.
December 5, 2019
My Queen! my Mother!
I give you all myself, and,
to show my devotion to you,
I consecrate to you my eyes,
my ears, my mouth, my heart, my entire self.
Wherefore, O loving Mother,
as I am your own,
keep me, defend me,
as your property and possession.
December 4, 2019
O eternal Father,
rouse our hearts out of the sleep of sin,
so that we may clear the path of Your Son into our souls.
Each year at Advent,
You gladden us with the thought of our redemption.
Grant us, we pray You, that,
as we receive Your Son as our Redeemer now,
we may, in the future, gladly and confidently
meet Him as our Judge.
December 3, 2019
O God, our creator,
inspired by the example of St. Francis,
we pray to you for the courage to be missionaries,
reaching out and leading others to Jesus.
Like St. Francis Xavier,
may we help those in need,
may we live a life rooted in prayer and
may we bring Christ to all those we meet.
This we ask throughYour Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ.
December 2, 2019
Jesus, our Lord, save me from my sins.
Come, protect me from all dangers and lead me to salvation.
Come! Wisdom of our God Most High,
guiding creation with power and love:
teach me to walk in the paths of knowledge!
Come! Leader of ancient Israel,
giver of the Law of Moses on Sinai:
rescue me with Your might power!
Come! Flower of Jesse's stem,
sign of God's love for all His people:
save me without delay!
Come! Key of David,
opening the gates of God's eternal Kingdom:
free the prisoners of darkness!
December 1, 2019
Lord, give me the courage to disarm my heart
from the feelings of anger, resentment and revenge
that foster so much pain and division in my life.
Instill within me a spirit of gratitude and joy that
I may become Your instruments of peace and reconciliation
wherever and whenever conflicts arise.
November 30, 2019
Brother of Simon Peter,
you heard John the Baptist say:
"Behold the Lamb of God,"
and you chose to follow Jesus.
Leaving your nets,
you became a successful fisher of souls.
Lover of the Crucified Christ,
you too were crucified like him.
Teach us to live and suffer for Him
and to win many souls for Christ.
November 29, 2019
As a little child,
I loved you like a mother.
Now that I am old,
my love for you has grown.
Receive me in heaven
as one of the blessed,
and I will proclaim
that I have obtained
such a great prize
through your patronage.
November 28, 2019
Father all-powerful,
Your gifts of love are countless
and Your goodness infinite.
On Thanksgiving Day we come before You
with gratitude for Your kindness:
open our hearts to concern for our fellow men and women,
so that we may share Your gifts in loving service.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
November 27, 2019
O Mary, today we wish to entrust to you the future that awaits us,
and we ask you to be with us on our way.
We are the men and women of an extraordinary time,
exhilarating yet full of contradictions.
Humanity now has instruments of unprecedented power:
we can turn this world into a garden,
or reduce it to a pile of rubble.
Today as never before in the past,
humanity stands at a crossroads.
And once again, O Virgin Most Holy,
salvation lies fully and uniquely in Jesus, your Son.
November 26, 2019
Almighty God, my Eternal Father,
from the fullness of my soul I adore You.
I am deeply grateful that You have made me
in Your image and likeness,
and that You hold me in Your loving embrace.
Direct me to love You with all my heart,
with all my soul,
and with my whole mind.
Direct me to love all Your children as I love myself.
O, my Father, my soul longs to be united to You,
and to rest in You forever.
Have the Holy Spirit touch my soul
so that I may love You as He does,
and as Your Beloved Son Jesus does.
November 25, 2019
O God, Who on the top of Mount Sinai
gave the Law to Moses,
and by means of Your holy Angels,
wondrously convey the body of blessed Catharine,
Your Virgin and Martyr:
grant, we beseech You, that,
through her merits and intercession,
we may be able to reach that mountain which is Christ:
Who lives and reigns with the Father
in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God,
world without end.
November 24, 2019
We beg you, Master,
be our help and strength.
Save those among us who are oppressed,
have pity on the lowly,
and lift up the fallen.
Heal the sick, bring back the straying,
and feed the hungry.
Release those in prison,
steady those who falter,
and strengthen the fainthearted.
Let all nations come to know You, the one God,
with Your Son Jesus Christ,
and us Your people and sheep of Your pasture.
Do not keep count of the sins of Your servants,
but purify us through the bath of Your truth
and direct our steps.
Help us to walk in holiness of heart,
and to do what is good and pleasing in Your eyes
and in the eyes of our rulers.
Master, let Your face shine on us
to grant us every good in peace,
protect us by Your powerful hand,
deliver us from every evil by the might of your arm.
Grant us and all who dwell on this earth
peace and harmony, O Lord.